If you're new around these here parts, I write random lists on Friday. If you're not new around these here parts, you're just going "get on with it". Yeah yeah, I hear you.
1. I am a domesticky goddess. It's true.
2. I know this because I have made two loaves of bread this week.
3. Also, I vacuumed.
4. So I'm not going to win any awards, you say. Yeah? Well what if I tell you I'm about to WASH MY SHEETS.
5. God, my life can't get any more exciting.
6. I may have to do some Jillian Michaels. I did some Jillian a few days ago and it's taken until today for my legs to work again. No, I'm really not exaggerating.
7. Guess what? Jillian has no breasts. I know this because she keeps demanding I do these ridiculous things called "jumping jacks". Psh. As if!! Round these here parts we call those "holy cow where's the duct tape?"
8. Also, I'm hoping the neighbors moved out downstairs.
9. Have I brushed my teeth today? Hmm. I may be a domesticky goddess, but I'm not so good at remembering the inane like teethbrushing and what date it is.
10. Also, I need to figure out a way to slice my homemade bread without looking like it's been through a bakery massacre.
11. Today is National Cheesecake Day. And if you're near a Cheesecake Factory, slices of cheesecake are half-price with dine in.
12. Guess where I'm headed tonight?
13. Also, if I don't get out of the house soon, I might start doing something SERIOUSLY DOMESTICKY like clean my bathtub.
15. *weep* I'm so bored.
16. It's a good thing my kids fight nonstop. *not* At least they keep me awake.
17. Also, I'm preparing for a vlog. My first ever. Because I know you're all desperate to catch a glimpse of me. Especially where I demonstrate how to locker hook. Not that kind of hook.
18. Man I super need to brush my teeth. It's a good thing I just ate some pepper jack cheese. Such a mouth enhancer.
19. I feel like Jesus in the beginning of that videospoofthingy. "Just one moment of peace...please." What videospoofthingy, you ask? This one:
20. AHAHAAHAHAHAAH *wipes eyes* oh man, that's classic.
Happy...what day is it? Cheesecake Day? Happy Cheesecake Day.
Onyx Storm (The Empyrean #3)
1 hour ago