Thursday, December 31, 2009
2009 in Review, or my attempt to garner blog readers
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Keyboard Confessions
16. It might take another year to find them, though.
17. I'm pretty sure my Hubs could just do with a spray tan and be fine.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
The Week After Christmas, also known as What Do I Do With My Children
I could really care less about that.
There are piles of Christmas carnage still lurking about the living room. Tissue paper and small pieces of Scotch Tape threaten to adhere themselves to you as you trespass on their carpeted territory. Giant trash bags full to the brim of cardboard boxes and crinkly bags block the path.
I could really care less about that.
There are quaking towers of gifts. Board games to be shoved into a closet. Clothes that need to be washed and wadded up into respective drawers. Edward's new shirt placed haphazardly with his Snuggie and scarf, which teeter precariously near the Black Hole Of Kearsie's Craft Corner Wherein There Is No Rhyme Or Reason.
But I could really care less about that.
The week after Christmas is dedicated to One Thing. I call it "What Do I Do With My Kids For A Week And Why Must School Be Out For The Love Of God Almighty Help Me".
What to do with your kids whilst you work full time? And so does your Hubs? And your in laws are entertaining the other grand kids all week and will most likely agree to watch them but you know in your heart of hearts they are thinking, "Really? After being with your children 24/7 the last week? Are you for real?" At least, it feels like that when I get the guts to broach the subject.
So, I struck a deal. One child will stay with the in laws while one child goes to work with me. And then we switch kids. It seemed a genius plan standing in my mother in law's kitchen. However, reality is often genius turned stupid.
So today, my oldest child, Emma, is here at work. She brought her Bag o' Distraction with her, which contains her newest stuffed animals that "need to be scratched" every few minutes, a book, and the accoutrements to her new iPod Nano.
Thus far, she has shoved her new stuffed wolf into my face with various bits of verbal interruptions:
*Momma, isn't she cute??
*Momma, she wants you to scratch her belly.
*Momma, can I get two more of these so I can have a Momma, Daddy and Baby?? Will you buy them? Why not??
*Momma, isn't she cute??
Her book I cannot persuade her to quietly read. It is "boring" and "might give her a paper cut".
Her iPod is already out of battery as she has videoed the entire office, one bit a close up of my face I plan on deleting when she's out of the room. Because, hello, it's not the best take of me. And before you go all critical on me, her iPod has so far taken about 19 videos of me from the weekend. I think I am recorded enough. Until 2012. Or when I Lose The Weight. Then, I'll renegotiate my time table.
Currently, she is banging her rolling chair into mine for the 15th time in 2 minutes. Which really, isn't her fault as it's hardwood floors in an old building that tend to slope a tad. And it's SO MUCH FUN to roll. I just happen to be in the way.
She has also told me at least 37 times how hungry she is. I relented on the "No Candy Before Lunch" rule about 2 hours ago and had to endure the chomping and sucking sounds coming noisily behind me. I also had a brief moment of insanity and when she said "Momma, open your mouth" I actually did, indeed, open my mouth as I typed something legalish and importantish and proceeded to pucker my mouth in revolt as the sour flavor of whatever candy the Receptionist gave her hit my tongue. I might not recover.
And just think, I only have 5 more hours to go.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Today my coworkers and I exchanged gifts and guess what? I'm the proud owner of TWO New Moon games. Shut up, these are cool. Except guess what? I have no one to play it with. Alas. If my Bestie lived nearby we'd be so playing this TONIGHT.
Maybe Edward and Bella Doll will play with me. By the way, Edward had another adventure. He wishes you a very Merry Christmas.
May your Wednesday be a good one!
Monday, December 21, 2009
Monday is a royal pain
Believe it or not, I'm walkin on air, I never thought I could feel this freeee...dang it! Help me get this song out of my head!!
- Things the Queen would never say
Friday, December 18, 2009
Keyboard Confessions
2. And Edward dolls. The combination of the two of those things spells rock bottom.
3. I am, right now, sitting on uncomfortable wooden bleachers at my girls' Christmas parties.
4. Through the miracle of innernets and planned publishing I can be two places at once.
5. I have decided all I want for Christmas is a nap.
6. And to magically lose all the added pounds I've gained since Thanksgiving.
7. I wear rubber gloves when I do dishes now. Rubber gloves are a miracle.
8. Except when water drips down into the rubber gloves whilst doing dishes. Then rubber gloves are disgusting.
9. I love my new ottoman. I hope I get a Snuggie to go with my ottoman.
10. I bet ya'll are wondering what I'm doing right now at the Christmas party.
11. I'll bet you $10.00 I'm thanking God I am not a teacher.
12. I love my children. I'm just not that keen on other people's hyperactive-jacked-up-on-Red-Color-9 children.
13. Today I go to the dentist. Remember the last time I went? Fun times.
14. Also, I've decided if I have bad breath, I have bad breath. There's only so much bad breath eradication I can do.
15. Also I will probably not be able to look at him in the eye for awhile. Did I mention I go to church with him? And sit in his home once a week? Nay, I failed to mention that.
16. Thank the Lord I do not ever see my OB/GYN doctor out and about.
17. Did you know hummus causes gas? Yeah, me neither. Until I ate a whole container.
18. I baked cookies for this party that is tonight. But to you was last night. I super hope they didn't suck. They will be/are the only dessert on the menu.
19. Even more reason to not make eye contact with anyone.
20. Also, I just said hummus caused me gas. I'm betting no one makes eye contact with me.
Happy Friday!!
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Open Letter to Toilet Seat Designers
I did some research here on my innernets. This is to show you I'm super serious about my complaint. Here's what I found:
You've got your standard basic toilet seat:

Then you've got your wooden seats:
I'm not sure who came up with this little gem, as it is also mildly uncomfortable and your skin sticks to it.
Then you start going downhill:
The Padded Toilet Seat. Often decorative. Still gross. Also, there is nothing worse then your skin sticking to these in the heat of summer. Even worse is that awful hiss of the toilet seat decompressing when you sit on it. Come on, people.
Then there are the novelty types:
Tell me, please, who...WHO would buy and use this? Is it the same people who would buy and use this?

Or this:
...ok, I admit those lights are kind of cool.
Still, we haven't even touched on the worst kind. What is the worst? You know the's the industrial toilet seat. Prepare yourself for the horror:
It's awful. It's unfinished. And guess what? When you're sitting there trying to finish business, that little gap is pure torture! Parts of your legs might fall through and...*gag* touch gross things! For the love of all things holy, man, why would you create such a monstrosity!!
Grossed out and uncomfortable bathroom patron,
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
My glutes are still recovering from Friday
Yes, Homecoming.
It wasn't the dolling up of the daughter who was a Homecoming attendant that was so difficult.
It wasn't the driving at breakneck speeds to be there on time.
It wasn't even the pressure to take good pictures for family members who would most certainly ask for a photo.
It was sitting on the wooden bleachers.
*painful stretch*
I discovered after about 20 minutes of sitting that bleachers were most likely made for:
*Gumby or other very bendy people
*Small folks who do not require much room
*Children who are naturally wiggly and at home in confined spaces
*People on crack
They were not made for people who:
*Have legs
*Might be just a tad overweight
*Don't enjoy sitting with knees and elbows and shouting, cheering, jostling crowds around them
*Are me
And I had to sit through 2 basketball games sitting on those torturous wooden bleachers. And there was much cheering and shouting and jostling. And knees and elbows.
But, it was all worth it when I saw my oldest child on the arm of My Hubs, looking all Christmas Princessy with her rose.
Isn't she lovely? Rhetorical question, requires no response but "Yes, she is a vision of beauty".
Two hours of painful bleacher sitting = worth it.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Leaking, our holiday tradition
This is not a fancy way for saying I have a gas problem.
This is also not a fancy way of saying I can't keep secrets. Tell me you're pregnant and I'll never utter a word. Tell me you're throwing a surprise party for someone and I'll keep it all to myself. Tell me you met Robert Pattinson and he asked for your phone number and I'll probably hate your guts and be so filled with envy I can't look you in the eyeball for a year, but I'll keep your secret.
What I mean is that I am a leaker of what gift I got for you. I am just so excited for this thing I think you will love, and I have to tell you. Or really strongly hint.
Like when The Hubs and I had our first Christmas, I went out and bought a really nice watch. Then I came home an hour later and gave it to him. No matter that Christmas was like, 3 weeks away, I just wanted to give it to him RIGHT THEN.
Mostly now I try the casual question approach: "what do you think about Eddie Bauer blue jeans/Bible commentaries/fishing lures/the movie Saving Private Ryan, etc.?"
And he's totally onto me.
My kids do it too. Because that's what kids do. One year, we got Daddy some of those awesome temperpedic slippers and when we came home my youngest said "I won't tell you what we got for you, Daddy, it's not slippers." Well, they learned it from me, what can I say?
But this year, I've kept it all in. Mostly because The Hubs was standing right there when I purchased his gifts, but whatever. Small victories. I kept it all in.
However, this year The Hubs was the leaker.
See, all I wanted for Christmas this year was yarn. But then I changed that to some books. But then I changed that to a storage ottoman.
I live in a tee tiny apartment. It's tiny. You can kind of see it here. And there is always junk around. Mostly my junk, and mostly craft junk. So I thunk to myself one day, man if I had a storage ottoman I could hide my junk and have a nice decorative thing to place my feet on at night whilst watching The Office reruns.
So after I thunk to myself all that, I told The Hubs, "Dude, I really want a storage ottoman." And he was all "Ok. I really want an HDTV." And I was all "You're smoking crack. But you're cute." And he was all "I'm really hungry." And I was all "Then go eat something." And then it turned into a whole different conversation. That's how we roll in our house.
So when I came home yesterday and saw The Hubs and my two girls all peeking out of the bedroom door with cheeseball grins, I knew they had gone Shopping for Mommy. And it wasn't two hours later before The Hubs finally caved and busted into his hiding place to bring out my Christmas gift. Which was, you guessed it, a storage ottoman!!
It's so purty. Want to see? Of course you do.
I told you, purty. And we can use it as a coffee table thingy too.
And there's plenty of room for my crafty junk.
Just kidding.
So, Merry Christmas to me. And My Hubs. Who no longer has to put his long and lanky legs all over mine on our tiny loveseat.

Monday, December 14, 2009
Monday is a royal pain
Ooooh, shouldn't have had those last three chicken wings...
- Things the Queen would never say
Friday, December 11, 2009
Keyboard Confessions
2. It's like I'm throwing my first dinner party in my new house and I still can't find the table linens.
3. Guess what? In real life I don't own any table linens. I am ok with this.
4. For my birthday/Christmas, my mom and Gma gave me the New Moon Edward doll, a pack of toothpicks, some dental floss, a tiny crochet hook and some crochet thread. I love that I'm in a family of enablers.
5. Tonight, my 2nd grade daughter will be a Homecoming Princessy person. So proud...*wipes tear*
6. I think I can finally relate to those crazy moms with daughters in beauty pageants.
7. Guess what? One more Christmas gift to buy and I' But don't be too jealous, then I have to finish some knitting. And felting. And then wrapping. And then some baking. Yeah, you're not jealous now, are you?
8. Ever heard of geocaching? It's so much fun. Except guess what? It's not so much fun when it's 20 degrees outside.
9. I super hope I get a Snuggie this year for Christmas. I might even do some geocaching in my Snuggie if I get one.
10. I am about 3 songs away from being Christmas songed out. Also, I'm fairly certain that the DJs who play non-stop Christmas music self medicate. If you know I mean.
11. I have vampire teeth. Or werewolf teeth. Or some kind of monster teeth. Like, my canine teeth are super duper long. Except guess what? I don't like to eat meat much. It's a big waste, I tell you.
12. My Bestie sent me her Edward doll. That is friendship and trust, I tell you.
13. And another Edward doll is on a trip. That is scary, I tell you. What if he gets lost?
14. For that reason, I kept the scarf at home. Because, dude, I'm not knitting with toothpicks for three hours again. Maybe.
15. I lent out all my Twilight books. It was to keep me from sinking into it's vampirey depths again and living in a Coma, but now I miss them.
16. Only my Bestie understands this. That's why she's my Bestie.
17. Remember when I said I was going to not cut my hair for a year? Yeah, I was lying. I'm going to whack it off as soon as humanly possible. Because it is
18. Also, you cannot be cosmetically challenged and grow out hair whilst living/working/shopping, etc. in public. Nay, it's not a good idea.
19. You know Pavlov's dog? How he ate when he heard a bell? Well, I'm fairly certain that as soon as my ears hear Christmas music and those sleigh bells ringing it works like hearing a bell and I immediately start putting on weight. This could be a case study. I could get rich and famousy by doing this case study.
20. Until then, I think I'll snack on these sugar cookies and attempt to fix my hair.
Happy Friday, folks.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
My new place is so niiiice
I moved, obvi.
Why did I move? Well, just look around! I have an awesome corkboard! And post it notes! And ginormous push pins! And cool buttons you can take and post on your very own blog. All thanks to my extremely talented and smarty pants buddies. So, high fives to Winn and Kim. Sorry for all the tomato stains on your hands.
And, even better-- Edward has his own place. He likes it. It's all dark and mysterious over there.
So, from now on, I'll be here. But you can still find all my awesome drivel over here.
Please visit often, because it's awfully barren over here and it kind of echoes...