Who Am I?

Well, inquisitive reader, let me answer. I am a wife, a mom and I have chronic bad hair. I like made uppy words and Unnecessary Capitalization. If you know who the guy in the bottom right picture is, you're probably my best friend. Also, I own several Edward dolls which I write about HERE. No, I don't use drugs. By the way, if your love canned tomatoes, visit my stash HERE.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Monday is a royal pain

It's my last week of work!!  Partaaaaaaaay!
-Things the Queen would never say


Unknown said...

Yes, that would probably be very bad for British tourism if the Queen made that announcement. Although, everyone would want to partaaaay with her, to be sure. I'd partaaaay with her, too, if her grandsons were going to be there. Especially that lovable little rogue, Harry.

But also YAY FOR YOU!!! I'm excited for you.

Macey said...

Are you moving soon?? Are you excited?!

Sara said...

Yay!!! So excited for you. Also, FYI, if I had know it was my last week at Bible-Mart, I would have stocked up on Post-It's. And maybe a stapler. Just saying....

Vanessa said...


*cabbage patch*

Unknown said...


I just got a mental image of the queen doing the cabbage patch, and the fist pump....

Unknown said...

I have to catch up on the queen's sayings. These crack me up.

w said...

i just realized you still have a "top commenters" app on your blog. and i'm like all the way at the bottom.

w said...

the queen would totally say this. you know. because i heard she sells princess house products on the side.

w said...

or was it pampered chef? in any case. yeah. she just might too say it.

w said...

wait. this is something that you'd say. or have said.

girl. you're totally a queen to me.

w said...

oh man. wait. when i say you're a queen. i don't mean the flaming kind.

i mean you're royalty in my book.

you're my favorite.

w said...

although, if you look at the words "flaming queen", they could indicate a woman with 'roids.

w said...

i'm not saying you have 'roids. but well, you know.

*fancy closeness*

bam! good times.

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